Published onMarch 14, 2021Memories of My Job Search as a Graduate Student in the US Part 2EnglishJob-huntingInterviewUSALos-AngelesNew-YorkBay-AreaSilicon-ValleyI was looking for a job as a software engineer in the U.S., and I got a few offers.Read more →
Published onMarch 13, 2021Memories of My Job Search as a Graduate Student in the USEnglishJob-huntingInterviewUSALos-AngelesI tried to find a job as a software engineer in the U.S., and after a lot of hard work, I got an offer, but in the end I decided to turn it down.Read more →
Published onMarch 10, 2021アメリカの大学院生として就職活動をしていた頃の思い出 3JapaneseJob-huntingInterviewUSANew-YorkSilicon-ValleyBay-Areaアメリカでソフトウェアエンジニア職を狙って就職活動をした結果、ニューヨークシティの小さなスタートアップに入社することにした。Read more →
Published onMarch 2, 2021アメリカの大学院生として就職活動をしていた頃の思い出 2JapaneseJob-huntingInterviewUSALos-AngelesNew-YorkBay-Areaアメリカでソフトウェアエンジニア職を狙って就職活動を続けていたら、いくつかオファーをもらえた。Read more →
Published onFebuary 25, 2021Self Inroduction of Ryo Katoself-introductionEnglishSelf introduction of the author of this website, Ryo Kato. I work for Amazon as a software development engineer. I currently live in Mountain View, California, USA.Read more →